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Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2015


RIDING BORNEO Rent a Motorbike CONTACT: 081346621730 BUDI SANTOSO We rent a motorcycle that you can use for business travel or work in Balikpapan . We serve the rental bike daily, weekly or monthly for an individual / company. Our bike rental you will get: - 2  Helm SNI Standard - Rain Coat Good condition and well-maintained bike !! Rental rates: Rp. 70,000 / 24 hours (minimum of 2 days rental) for Honda Beat 2015 Motorcycle can we deliver to the inn, hotel or to the airport in accordance with the agreement via telephone before. Motorcycle Rental provisions: 1. Must have a valid driver's license C 2. Mandatory deposit ORIGINAL ID / PASSPORT to us 3. For borrowers who are not residents of Balikpapan, shall notify the residence addresses in Balikpapan 4. In the event of minor damage, the borrower shall reimburse the cost of Rp 150,000. But if major damage / severe then the borrower must take full responsib...